Personal Property Tax

Best to call or text Gregg on his cell at 201 248 2981

Nationwide Consulting Company can be of immeasurable assistance in reducing personal property assessments and taxes throughout the country by establishing and maintaining equitable assessments.
Our comprehensive personal property tax representation program entails the following services:

  • review of your personal property asset listing in order to prepare renditions for submission to the local authorities;
  • valuation determinations on the property to be rendered;
  • timely filing of all personal property returns, copies of which we will furnish to the client for their records;
  • follow up and review of assessments to be sure our reported figures are accepted as filed;
  • appeal action and expert testimony, when necessary;
  • handling of all audits, if any;
  • approval of all tax bills for payment;
  • submission of an annual status report outlining the results of our efforts during the tax cycle.

Our “NCC Check” tax payment program features specialized capabilities to support cash requirements reporting, the review, approval and the payment of all personal property tax bills. Account reconciliation procedures and reporting ensure the accurate accounting of client’s funds at all times. Detailed and summary reports of payments made can be provided in a myriad of formats to aid our clients in posting to their computerized accounting systems.